For powdery roof tiles and concrete NuPrime Surface Primer is an extremely fine particle size, wet adhesion promoted acrylic primer coat specifically designed for powdery roof tiles and concrete surfaces. Based on a technically advanced formula it is designed to provide deep penetration ensuring top coat adhesion. NuPrime is a non-yellowing clear primer which is…
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For powdery roof tiles and concrete
NuPrime Surface Primer is an extremely fine particle size, wet adhesion promoted acrylic primer coat specifically designed for powdery roof tiles and concrete surfaces. Based on a technically advanced formula it is designed to provide deep penetration ensuring top coat adhesion. NuPrime is a non-yellowing clear primer which is fully compatible with all Nutech topcoat systems.
NuPrime is a high quality compound adhesive which bonds with difficult to penetrate powdery surfaces. Used as an undercoat on powdery surfaces, NuPrime provides an excellent surface for topcoatings. Concrete and masonry surfaces undercoated with NuPrime require substantially less topcoat product compared to an unsealed surface.
NuPrime remains one of the only products recommended for the preparation of powdery oxidised surfaces.
Surfaces undercoated with NuPrime and topcoated with either Tileflex, Nuflex or Colourfast perform exceptionally after curing under all weather conditions to provide a 100% waterproof coating.
NuPrime has undergone rigourous testing and special consideration has been given to ensure the chemical composition and compatibility are suitable for all Australian, New Zealand, South-East Asian and UK conditions. NuPrime is a stable non-yellowing coating which retains both flexibility and strength whilst also providing superb protection against bacteria and mould on most surfaces.
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